Snippets Issue 3

Quote for the Week

“The writer’s duty is to keep on writing” —William Styron

As most writers will agree, the most daunting challenge to completing a manuscript is writing the first draft without looking back. The temptation is to go back and re-write before finishing the first run through.

There’s no telling how many half-written books are abandoned because the writer stops and goes back to polish. The lure to re-read and re-write is strong but must be ignored to write the book.

For most writers, especially new ones, write the first draft before re-working. Hemingway said that all first drafts are crap. Once the whole is in front of you, you can edit to your heart’s content.

Keep going, and write on a schedule to get the work done. Good luck and hope to see your book soon.

Grandfather Poplar Releases Today

Grandfather Poplar, a wonderful young adult novel, is being released today on Amazon Kindle! Melissa Kincaid has a secret that she shares with no one—something that makes her different from everyone else in her life. She communicates with trees and with one elder poplar whom she calls Grandfather. The spirit of her ancestor, a Cherokee medicine man, watches over her and takes her into another realm in her dreams. A world exists beyond this one, and she keeps this truth completely to herself—until the day she meets Arthur, a Cherokee boy who has seen her in his own dreams. Together they fight to save the forest that is home to her dearest companions, the trees, and to her own heart.

See Amazon book site .